WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp LLC
Varies by device

Nowadays we have different ways to communicate with other people. Not only we can make calls or send emails, but now we have instant messages, which help us to communicate way faster than any other medium and it is cheaper. And if you have a business, you definitely need to communicate with a lot of people quickly. There are different apps to do this, but you really need to download WhatsApp Business because it will give you the perfect platform for your business.

WhatsApp is a very popular app that a lot of people in the world use it to communicate easily with friends, family, coworkers and so much more. It is simple, easy to use and completely free. But now, the company release another version focused on business. It is the perfect app to answer questions, communicate with clients and providers and so much more.

So, if you are interested in this app and you want to know more about it, keep reading this post because we will tell you all the things you can do with it. Also, we will explain to you how to download WhatsApp Business in your device in just a few simple steps.

WhatsApp Business helps you keep in touch with clients

As we mentioned before, WhatsApp is very popular and a lot of people use it to communicate with others easily. Currently, with the newest version for business, they are giving the same facility to companies and organizations to have a new window of communication with their clients, investors, people of interests and more. The app is very complete and it has all the necessary functions for businesses.

With this app you can create a corporate profile. So, as soon as you download the app, you need to link a phone number and then you can create the profile. You need to put the name of the company or business, a description of what you do or what you offer, and then choose a category for it.

On the categories you have different options, like stores, marketing, communications, organizations, beauty and spa, clothes and accessories, education, entertainment, finances, hotels, health, professional services, restaurants, trips and travel, and so much more. So, it doesn’t matter what type of company you have, you can fit in here.

You can add other details to your profile so people know more about the business. You can add your web link, your address, your email address, and choose which your work hours are. This way, your clients can know exactly what you offer and the things they can expect from you. But this is not the only thing you can do with this app.  

Features that make your life easy

With WhatsApp Business you can do so much more for your business. If you have a lot of clients or people asking about your products or services, the app allows you to upload and create a catalog. This way, people can see what you offer and check all the details and you won’t have to answer to the same question over and over. You can personalize your catalog with all your products, and put all the details you need. This way, your clients will have all the important information.

Another great feature is that you can create an instant message to answer your clients if you can’t. This way, you can let them know that you receive the message but that you will take some minutes to get back at them. It is a perfect way to let them know that you will take some time or that you are busy at the moment.

As you can see, WhatsApp Business is a very good app for companies, organizations, stores and any other type of business, because it helps you to control your messages easily, all of them get to your phone and you can get back at them at any time. 

WhatsApp Business is available for Android and iOS

If you want to download WhatsApp Business on your device right now you just need to tap on the download button below this post. Then, choose your device system and the page will take you to the right source to get the app. This is a free app that you can use for any of your businesses.



  • Helpful to keep in touch with clients and offer information.
  • Many features to automate replies and offer guidance without actually texting back.
  • Completely free for all businesses.
  • It isn't possible to install it in more than one device.
  • It is not compatible with many third party software and apps that facilitate business management.

WhatsApp Business

You are going to be redirected to the external website to download the app.

Frequently asked questions

Is WhatsApp Business available for free?

Yes, you can download and use the app for completely free.

Is it mandatory to link your WhatsApp Business with your Facebook or Instagram?

No, it isn't mandatory. But, if you have those pages, you can create your meta profile and manage all information from one platform.


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